Fiche cheval jazz with dragon

R5C6plathandicap 24477happy valley1200M130788renfrew handicap - sec 112 partantsdépart à 13:15
Non-partants : 2
41compassion superH58p4p2p1pleung k.c./1nez
2flying on the turfH85p1p1p(22)1ppurton z./1
13a americ te specsoH58p5p1p4p6phamelin a./101:10
211flaming eagleH56p8p1p0p8pho c.y./1encolure
38happy trioH51p6p2p4p1pbentley h./1cte tete
512our class actH55p0p7p(22)0pde sousa s./11/2 l
64exuberantH62p0p9p5pbowman h./13/4 l
76wood on fireH82p1p5p9p8pteetan k./1cte tete
87little fairyH4Inéditbadel a./11 l 1/2
910jazz with dragonH40p0p0pcurrie l./11 l 1/2
109nunchuksH90p9p9p4p0pchadwick m./1encolure
115star ascensionH59p7p4p5pferraris l./1encolure

R6C4plathandicap 25916happy valley1650M130788kalanchoe handicap - section 212 partantsdépart à 12:15
Non-partants : 2
91young victoryH71p7p0p(22)2pchadwick m./1encolure
2kung fu teaH82p6p3p1pnon partant/1
15the hulkH89p9p5p7p4pcurrie l./101:40
212red elyseesH109p5p6p(22)0ppoon m.f./11 l 1/2
33big twoH65p(22)0p6p6phewitson l./11 l 1/4
411theta hedgeH66p4p7p(22)4pteetan k./13/4 l
58one heart oneH53p7p5p6pho c.y./13/4 l
67right honourableH94p7p0p(22)0phamelin a./13 l
74happy hunkH40pde sousa s./11 l 1/2
810starship eightyH40p5p6p0p9pbadel a./15 l 1/2
109perfect rockH58p0p(22)0p0pbentley h./16 l 1/2
116jazz with dragonH40p0pleung k.c./1encolure

R5C2plathandicap 26664happy valley1200M130788old bailey handicap - section 212 partantsdépart à 11:15
112one for allH50p9p(22)3p3pde sousa s./101:09
23harmony n homeH78p(22)2p7p4ppurton z./1tete
32righteous arionH42p5p1p3p2pho c.y./11 l
49spicy so smartH40p0p9pchung y.l./11 l 1/2
58flying swordH85p0p(22)0p3pferraris l./1cte tete
611happy trioH52p4p1p5pteetan k./11 l 3/4
76beauty missionH60p6p5p(22)3pchadwick m./13/4 l
81compassion superH54p2p1p(22)9pbowman h./1cte tete
910noble aceH48p(22)0p7p0phamelin a./11 l 1/4
107jazz with dragonH40pyeung m.l./11 l 1/4
114sparkling knightH77p0p4p(22)0pbadel a./13/4 l
125amazing travisH49phewitson l./1encolure

R2C6plathandicap 27768happy valley1200M130788shek kip mei handicap - sec 212 partantsdépart à 13:15
12hossH51p3p(22)0p8ppurton z./101:09
23victory scholarsH65p2p3p(22)0pchung y.l./11 l 1/4
310modest gentlemanH46p0p7p(22)0pyeung m.l./11 l 1/4
46herculesH80p0p8p0pbentley h./11/2 l
58fortune carrierH65p0p2p(22)9ppoon m.f./13/4 l
61king eccellenteH53p1p(22)1p9pteetan k./1cte tete
711yee cheong warriorH70p0p8p(22)9phamelin a./11 l
812miraclesH50p7p(22)2p9pde sousa s./13/4 l
99fingers crossedH54p5p4p(22)9pleung k.c./11/2 l
107turtle againH40p0p(22)0pchau c.l./1cte tete
115travel guideH4Inédithewitson l./13 l 1/2
124jazz with dragonH4Inéditcurrie l./12 l 1/2

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